How to Reach Us
If your call goes unanswered please leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also send us a text at the number below.
(732) 946-0767
Garden State Equine Veterinary Dentistry
4497 Province Line Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Practice Hours
We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate routine and referral cases:
Monday & Wednesday: We head out on farm visits for local routine and referral cases.
Tuesday: We stay in our Princeton, NJ practice to perform tooth extractions and advanced procedures.
Thursday: We see referral cases at the University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Center in Kennett Square, PA.
Friday: Open to answer any questions and schedule appointments.
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

Contact Form
Have a question, or want to book an appointment? Fill out the form below, and a team member will get back to you.
Thank you for considering Garden State Equine Veterinary Dentistry. We look forward to working with you and your horse!